It Only Happens Once a Year ! Solo una vez al año

Una vez al año nos reunimos para vivir la magia del cine colombiano
¡Solo sucede una vez al año!
¡No Puedes perdértelo!
28 de Abril- 1 de Mayo
Cinépolis Chelsea

We gathered together to live the magic of cinema through the Colombian cinema
It only happens once a year!
You cannot miss it!

April 28- May 1
Cinépolis Chelsea

Ya no se requiere prueba de vacunación en los teatros de cine. Ya no se requieren máscaras, pero se recomiendan.

Proof of vaccination is no longer required at movie venues. Masks are no longer required, but recommended.

Estamos a diez días de volver a encontrarnos en esta embajada de nuestro cine en Manhattan. Recuerda que solamente pasa una vez al año!
Es el momento de regresar y volver a vivr la magia del cine Colombiano

Only ten days from meeting again at this embassy of our cinema in Manhattan.
it only happens once a year!
It is time to return and live the magic of Colombian cinema

MY Lifestyle Magazine
MY Lifestyle Magazine

The first boutique publication for bicultural chic Latinos. An exclusive look inside the lives of this powerful, well respected and admired Latino celebrity family! My Lifestyle Magazine is fashion, health, beauty, entertainment, travel, and, of course, New York City lifestyle. It’s high-quality and ready for consumption – free of charge. Our magazine is designed for educated, cosmopolitan Latinos (men and women) in NYC, with international interests, who are also bilingual (English and Spanish languages). But we are not a magazine exclusively for Latinos. We have a substantial International following and, for this reason, 75% of our content is English-language driven. We welcome readers of all races and cultures to enjoy what our product has to offer.

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