Laura Meneses
Laura Meneses

Hello, I'm Laura Meneses. I'm from Bucaramanga, Colombia. I'm very passionate for artistic and cultural activities since long time ago. When I was a child, I was being part of many dance groups and now I'm one of principal dancers of Momba® (one of the most important fitness' bussines in my city). I also love to travel a lot, to know diferent cultures, people and to visit zoos, because animals make me crazy, I think they are very interesting and awesome. Each one have many things to show and to teach. I studied Social Comunication, specialized in journalism at Universidad Autónoma of Bucaramanga. During my career I was being part of many kinds of groups, like dance, festivals organization or staff, music's events and cultural programs. As a journalist I've being working on radio, press and television, making interviews for the University UNAB and at the same time at the end of my career I worked two years as a journalist in topics like transit, mobility and road safety. I consider that to be happy, to love and do what you love, it is to live in harmony with your heart and your soul.


Bailar: la mejor ‘medicina’para la mente y el cuerpo

El baile ha estado presente en todas las culturas y en todos los tiempos, incluso desde la niñez, al escuchar música, el cerebro se activa y automáticamente genera un movimiento involuntario en…


Seis consejos para mantener un estilo de vida saludable

Según la Organización Mundial para la Salud (OMS), “la salud es un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no solamente la ausencia de afecciones o enfermedades”.