Have you ever imagined or asked yourself these questions?. Why is batch-and-blast email losing its effectiveness and the email techniques to replace it? How can techniques like user-generated content and the mining of unstructured data boost email effectiveness? How can omnichannel merchants leverage physical locations as part of their online strategy?. What artificial intelligence is offering today and what it could offer years from now. Is part of what I’ve learned at@hispanizice2018 and I would like to share it with all of you!
Well In today’s world all those questions are very important to know.
The 2018 Global Digital Future in Focus provides a snapshot of desktop, smartphone and tablet usage around the globe. Examining how audiences and content consumption changed over the course of 2017.
H/Code is number 1 Us Hispanic ComScore entity a cross-platform measurement company that measures audiences, brands, and the consumer’s behavior. Toward authentic Hispanic reach, this very well known company connects highly sought after U.S. Hispanic Audiences with endemic publishers through a combination of targetable datasets (science) and exemplary creative executions (art).
“We are creating a new model of influential power, cross-platform world well-known. H/CODE Team Says in Hispanicize conference 2018.”
For all the participant and assistance; The H Code Media team brought together deep backgrounds in AdTech and U.S. Hispanic digital advertising to educate all of us with knowledge in hispanizice 2018. Because in today’s world, the dynamic media landscape measurement must evolve to keep pace with the challenges and opportunities of a cross-platform world.
For brands and companies Reaching U.S. Hispanics are more important today than ever before striving us with their advertisers. We represent over 17% of the U.S. population and $1.5 trillion in purchasing power. Despite our size, U.S. Hispanics are very hard to reach as we consume content in both English and Spanish. To reach us effectively advertisers must reach us at the right time with the right messages. With comScore system, we believe in measuring what matters to make cross-platform audiences, consumer behavior and advertising more valuable for our clients. That’s why New Models goes beyond traditional age/gender demography alone. Seamlessly linking cross-platform measurement insights with Advanced Audiences to help transform the way the media industry conducts business and to enable audience-based buying.
Through our platform, “we can effectively target, reach influence US Hispanics better than anyone else in the industry”. said Parker Morse, CEO of H Code Media.
Special thanks to H/CODE team company and Parker Morse Founder For being the premium company that measures audiences, brands, and consumer behavior.Allowing us to develop and deliver impactful creativity along with amplified integrated marketing experiences. The strongest and most innovative US Hispanic digital ad team.!
I would like to expand to our readers some terms of this article about what Is Endemic Advertising? in Kate McFarlin words
“Endemic advertising refers to ad placement where it is native or natural to its market. It fits, it belongs, and the products present a natural connection with certain industries or markets. For example, Reebok, a maker of athletic shoes and apparel, would use endemic advertising by running its ad spots during sporting events. In order to effectively use endemic advertising techniques, advertisers must find their endemic, or “natural,” market and then exploit it to the best of their abilities”. (Kate McFarlin).